About Us

There are many approaches to change and educational development for our youth. PTC's Indigenous Sparks™ program offers a novel pathway for sparking awareness and appreciation within science and technology.

We are committed to empowering youth to unlock their full potential and unleash their destiny through the creation of unique opportunities that awaken and spark a new appetite for learning and discovery.

We are committed to joining with others in crafting a better world by achieving stronger more interconnected communities.

We are committed to fostering inquiring minds capable of offering leadership and future thought to the development of science and technology in the 21st century.

We are committed to inspiring creativity and technological innovation as young minds explore everyday challenges, ideas and issues from a scientific perspective.

We are committed to forging new paradigms across communities as a key component towards negating the feelings of disenfranchisement and alienation of those in society who would otherwise be perceived as disadvantaged groups.

PTC’s Indigenous Sparks™ is designed to achieve these outcomes by offering youth a range of programs, activities and innovative initiatives through which the embeddedness of science and technology across culture can be realised.