Kia ora tātou!
Ko Ruapehu toku maunga
Ko Pungapunga toku awa
Ko Ngapuwaiwaha marae
No Taumarunui
Ko Mulgrew toku whanau
Ko Maddy toku ingoa
Tena koutou, tena koutou, katoa
Hello, my name is Maddy and I am privileged enough to be able to share my poster with you
and around our wider community. The poster that my group made was about COVID-19 and
how it can affect the respiratory system. We choose to use 'Shot Bro' as our message because
it is known to everyone in New Zealand and it shows that you should get vaccinated because
'It's not only saving you but also your community.' I would like to say thank you for this
opportunity that you have given my group and me. I hope that our poster makes a difference.