Opotiki COVID-19 Ambassadors
My poster reminds everyone to “Be kind and stay strong” or “Kia kaha Aoteroa!!”
The person at the top of the poster is wearing a mask which has been decorated with kowhawhai designs. The message there is politely asked “Wear a mask please”. That leads into the plea to “Protect our whanau and our Earth”. We can do that by following the suggestions made in the bullet points
· Get vaxed
· Get tested
· Stay safe
· Keep 2m away
The person on the right of the poster is suggesting we should “Stay safe and get vaxed ASAP”.
There is a bottle of hand sanitiser in the middle of the poster to remind everyone to keep their hands clean after they have touched surfaces/food/other people.
Inside the circle is a map of Aoteroa in filled with more kowhaiwhai designs and a message “Kia kaha NZ we can beat it!”
It is hoped that by the end of 2021 we will be Covid free as everyone will be 100% Vaxed.
I created this poster using two A4 pieces of white paper each with two very important messages that relate and show what our society is like nowadays, and then I glued them together.
The poster with the planets:
This drawing includes our eight planets and the sun of our solar system. Our planet Earth is in the middle, it shows our planet is sick and coughing, symptoms of Covid-19. The surrounding planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and our sun are all wearing face masks to avoid getting sick like Earth, much like our society nowadays.
The poster with the vaccine message:
This drawing is presenting the message, “ Drop down to get your vaccine to help protect yourself from Covid-19, Mate Korona”. The idea of this message being included is to encourage people to go get vaccinated. I also replaced the letter “i” in the word vaccine with a needle to show that a needle is used to give the vaccine. And lastly I chose the yellow and white striped background because it is our country's Covid-19 update colour theme, and it's eye-catching.
The collection of words to the right would relate to the restrictions and rules of covid 19. I have chosen these words to put on my poster because I believe that these are the most important rules to be aware of when facing Corona virus.
Social distancing, being kind, using hand sanitizer and wearing face masks in our community is apart of many of the rules that we should make sure to follow as covid becomes apart of our daily lives, also self isolating is a main factor that we need to keep in mind when trying to rid our community of Coronavirus.
These words are followed by the rules of the poster and are in both English and Maori.
The rules that have been labeled above the paragraph of words are also the ones that I believe are the easiest and most important to follow, these are also listed on the left bottom side in Maori.
I have chosen to use the drawings of Corona virus and Aoetearoa to symbolize what our country is facing during this time and what our main trouble is, which would be Covid 19, and also to show a simple drawing of what the virus looks like.
Lastly, I have used the words, "Get vaccinated!" In caps to get my main message across to the viewers of my poster, this is to influence people to get vaccinated and along with the entire poster I hope it encourages people to change their minds and agree to follow the rules, be kind to everyone, respect the covid restrictions and get vaccinated.
Altogether I agree with people who are getting vaccinated because I believe as a community we should do it to help each other and keep everyone safe from the virus. I agree in encouraging people to get vaccinated and be aware of what our country is going through right now. This is what I'm wishing to promote with this poster.
Posters are currently distributed on the school’s Facebook site, in the school newsletter and are widely displayed in the community.
Opotiki District Council. Opotiki i-SITE Visitor Information Centre, Opotiki Pharmacy
108 Saint John Street, Ōpōtiki 70 Bridge Street, Ōpōtiki. 110, Church St
Opotiki New World. Opotiki library, Te Tahuhu o te Rangi Recycled labels
19 Bridge Street, Ōpōtiki. 112 Church St Church Street
Opotiki vet centre Open Ocean, Whakatōhea Greenshell™ Mussels
91 Waioeka Road 89 Waioeka Road