Palmerston North COVID-19 Ambassadors
“My poster is about fighting Covid-19. We can fight Covid-19 by wearing a mask, getting the vaccine to protect ourselves and our families and staying home under lockdown and also if you are feeling sick”.
"My poster is about getting vaccinated. If you get vaccinated, it gives you a chance of surviving Covid-19. I made my poster to inform people that getting the vaccine can help you survive the virus. This poster isn’t about making people get their vaccine, it is saying that it is good getting your vaccine. In my personal opinion, I got the vaccine to give me a chance of surviving. I got it and I had no side effects happen to me. Now I am one of the many people who have received it. So getting the vaccine is a good thing and it helps you survive".
“My poster is about trying to get all ages to wear masks and getting people 12 and over to try and get both vaccines as fast as possible so not only you can save your life but try and convince other people to get the vaccine for you and others safety”.
“This poster is to inform you about what to do to keep safe from the virus, it encourages you to wear a mask, wash your hands, stay at home if you’re sick and get a vaccine that makes it harder to get the virus. I have chosen a traditional Pacific culture look to celebrate how far the Pacific Islanders have come and to everything that we have done”.
“My poster is about getting the vaccine. We came up with a saying which goes "A vaccine today keeps the Covid away" and we translated this into Samoan and Tongan. Why we did this, was to encourage our people to get vaccinated so our families and communities can be protected from this virus”.
Posters are currently on display at:
At school and on their Facebook site
Te Pātikitiki Community Library,
Highbury Avenue, Highbury.