Drones and Tree planting Kawerau
PTC Trust engaged in a unique opportunity with Te Whata Tau ō Pūtauaki School that enabled us to combine the PTC environmental and tree planting project with their Kura Taiao project.
As the teachers reported ‘both kaupapa outlined the importance of climate change to us as a school, a whānau and a community. Other highlights included: tamariki got from this learning - to be able to incorporate Western ideologies with cultural practices appropriate to our region. This included the learning of histories and tikanga, cultural customs and protocol, and inquiry for learning. While only the seniors fully participated in the PTC programme, the rest of our kura also bore the fruits of this journey’.
The levels of excitement and engagement were palpable!! Everyone was excited to participate in planting rākau on their premises especially as it coincided with the week of Matariki celebrations. Their karakia at the start was potent and pivotal, symbolic of the new life that was to come.
Rangatahi excelled at coding, designing programs far beyond expectations.
This holds a lot of promise for Aotearoa NZ. These young minds are well on their way to becoming future web and game developers!