Tainui COVID-19 Ambassadors
Year 12 Meg
Ko Meg tooku ingoa he tau ngaahuru maa rua ahau noo Ngaa Taiatea Wharekura, he uri teenei i ahu mai i te rehutai o ngaa ngaru whatiwhati o Tauranga moana, waihoki te one kororiko o Marokopa. Ko te mahi toi he ihokaiwhiiria nunui mooku, he waahi whakaputa whakaaro, kare aa roto anoo hoki.
Naaku te mahi toi nei i mahia kia whai moohiotanga eetehi moo ngaa raru e patu ana i a Papatuaanuku. E whakapono ana ahau, ki te ora a Papa, ka ora hoki taatou. Kua tapaina e eetehi te mahi noho taratahi, te mate urutaa hei waa tautuhi maa Papa. Kua whakamanioro e taatou i te kainga kua homai ki a maatou, naa whai anoo kua whakamanioro ai taatou anoo hoki. Kua whakaaturia e au i ngaa aahuatanga e rua kua paa mai ki a Papa, me te aawhina mai i te mate urutaa ki a Papa. Ka tika ki te whakarauoratia i a Papa, ka ora taatou hoki.
“As man disappears from sight, land remains!”
Year 12 Jarel
Takitimu te Waka
Whakapunake te Maunga
Hangaroa me Waiau nga Awa
Pakowhai te Marae
Ngati Kahungunu te Iwi
Ngati Mihi te Hapu
This poster is called “mata rua”, a representation of Covid-19 as a taniwha. This poster is based on strength and courage through getting the Covid- 19 vaccination. It is to find belief in this taonga within us to trust that it will help our peoples chances of a better battle. This shows that we need to reflect on our peoples future by doing what's right and what will benefit you, your family and the community. Unity and strength will help us push through this pandemic. This poster is formed by a Maori perspective, adding islander tattoo as well. Using a Maori figure helps to represent two main quotes” mahia te mahi hei painga mo te iwi” and “ Naa te rangatira ki te rangatira” it means that everyone is equal. I’ve used Maori and Pacifica traditional art to uphold the good and bad.
Pānui ā kura – Wāhanga 3, wiki 9
Posters have been widely distributed to whānau and wider community through newsletters and the kura’s website and facebook page.
Posters were also displayed at:
Anglesea dispensary
9 Thackeray Street, Hamilton Central, Hamilton
Tui medical centre Central
26 Bryant Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3200.