Partnership Through Collaboration
About Us
Explore the Destination
Voyage of Discovery
2016 Workshops
Physics Workshops
River Workshops
River Workshops Oroua river
Raising Awareness
Student Animations
2017 Workshops
Mobile River App workshops
River Workshops Manawatu/Horowhenua
River Workshops Rotorua & Bay of plenty region
River Workshops Hawkesbay region
GPS engagement Rotorua region
Microbial Analysis- Raising Awareness
Microbial Analysis- Raising Awareness Part II
Microbial Analysis- Raising Awareness Part III
Robotics and Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity
Robotics and Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity in Kawerau
Robotics and Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity in Rotorua
Robotics and Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity in Manawatu and Horowhenua
Communicating Science- Digital Film making Workshops
Communicating Science -Digital Film making Workshops
Communicating Science-EIT Science Fair Hawkesbay
Communicating Science- Wellington and Kawerau workshops
Communicating Science- Manawatu animation workshops
Communicating Science -Kawerau community engagement
Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity in Hastings
2018 workshops
Mobile River App workshops
River Workshops Hutt river
Riparian planting -community initiative
Wetlands and rivers Manawatu
Estuary monitoring-Bay of Plenty
River Workshops Hawkesbay
Wetland monitoring Ohau
Greywater science and significance Whanganui
Greywater science and significance Rotorua
Protecting our Sand dunes
Young Environmental Animators
Environmental protection for Port Ohope, Ohiwa Harbour
Microbial Analysis- Raising Awareness
Microbial Analysis- Mussels Awareness
Chemistry and Analysis- Sparking Curiosity
Chemistry and Analysis- Sparking Curiosity
Empowering Girls in Robotics @ Waikato University
Empowering Girls in Robotics @Waikato University
Communicating science- Ohiwa Harbour
Communicating science -animations
Communicating science- Palmerston North library
Communicating science Roslyn
Communicating science- Horowhenua libraries
Communicating science- Kawerau
Communicating science- Whanganui
Communicating science- Wellington
Communicating science- Hawkesbay
2019 Workshops
Mobile Plastics App workshops
Communicating science- Hawkesbay region
Manawatu river science
River science Dannevirke area
River science Tutaekuri River
River science Waitara Region
Lake sediment analysis -Rotorua
Lake sediment analysis -Whanganui
Microplastic investigation Westshore napier
Microplastics Ohope beach and Ohiwa harbour
Microplastics beach analysis -Paraparamu beach
Microplastics Kapiti coast and Brown's bay
Microplastics Tauranga harbour and Omanu beach
Dune planting -Matata Bay of Plenty
Dune planting -Thornton beach, Bay of Plenty
Greywater Lower Hutt
Communicating science- animation@ Palmerston north city libraries
Communicating science- Te Pātikitiki Community Library Palmerston North
Communicating science-Rotorua library
Communicating science- Dannevirke library
Communicating science- Tauranga library
Communicating science- Lower Hutt
Communicating science- Palmerston North library
Communicating science- Kawerau library
Communicating science-Masterton
Communicating science-Horowhenua
Drones and Riparian planting -Dannevirke
Drones and STEM development: Mapping river catchment
Drones and school recycling @ Flaxmere Hastings
Coding and Gaming- Plastic pollution Tauranga
Coding and Gaming- Reduce plastics Kawerau
Coding and Gaming- River quality Hawkesbay
Games page
Renewable Energy workshop 1-Victoria University
Renewable Energy workshop 2-Victoria University
Renewable Energy workshop 3-Victoria University
2020 Workshops
Renewable Energy with Victoria University
Renewable Energy workshop Lower Hutt
Drones and plastic usage Manawatu (Copy)
Drones Mokoia
Drones and plastic usage Rotorua
Drones and plastic usage Hastings
Drones and plastic usage Hastings (Copy)
Augmented Reality with GNS
Augmented Reality with GNS 2
Ohiwa Harbour, the southern half of Ōhope
Ohiwa Harbour, Kayaking
Waiora river kayaking
Communicating science Waiora river
Communicating science- Naenaec
Communicating science- Horowhenuac
Communicating science- Rotoruai
Communicating science- Heretaungai
Communicating science- whakataneh
Communicating science- kawerau1
Communicating science- mokoia
Communicating science- monradAR
Communicating science- HeretaungaAR
Lake science Hamilton
Robotics @Taumauruni
Robotics @Hastings
Robotics @Whakatane
Robotics @Waikato3
Enviro Chemistry @Waikato
Enviro Chemistry @Waikato1
Natural Fibers sustainability engineering workshop
Augmented Reality with GNS 3
Communicating science- Hamilton
Communicating chemistry- Te Aroha
Communicating chemistry- Hamilton region
Communicating robotics- Hawkesbay
Communicating robotics- Hamilton
Communicating robotics- Whakatane
Communicating sustainability engineering
Communicating robotics- Taumauruni
Communicating Augmented RealityGNS3
2021 Workshops
Fielding Plastic challenge
Fielding Plastic challenge 1
Microplastic engagement Tauranga
Microplastic engagement Tauranga (2)
Eco products@ Teen unit
Eco products@ Teen unit 2
Eco products@Teen unit3
Drones flight -Manawatu
Drones flight -Feilding
Drones flight -Hastings
Drones flight -Mokoia
Drones flight -RotoruaI
Renewable energy @Te Herenga Waka1
Communicating Eco products
Communicating about Plastic Feilding
Communicating about Plastic Feilding2
Communicating Microplastic Tauranga
Communicating Drones -Mokoia
Communicating solar energy1
Communicating Drones -Rotoruai
Communicating Drones -Hastings3
Communicating Drones -Puriri
Rangatahi Covid 19 awareness
COVID-19 Awareness
Tainui Hamilton Ambassadors
Hamilton Ambassadors 1
Hamilton Ambassadors 3
Central King Country Ambassadors
Mt Maunganui Ambassadors
Flaxmere Ambassadors
Palmerston North Ambassadors
Napier Ambassadors
Horowhenua Ambassadors
Waitara Ambassadors
Whakatane Ambassadors
Tarawera Ambassadors
Opotiki Ambassadors
Kawerau Ambassadors
Rotorua Ambassadors1
Heretaunga Ambassadors
Putaruru Ambassadors
Tauranga Ambassadors 2
Fairfield Ambassadors
Additional Posters- worthy of Recognition
2022 Workshops
Robotics @Napier
Robotics @Putaruru1
Robotics @Putaruru2
Robotics @Hamilton
Estuary study@Foxton beach
River study Apiti and Awahuri
Drones and waste Palmy
Drones and Tree planting Fielding1
Drones and Tree planting Frimley
Drones and Tree planting Hastings
Drones and Tree planting Hukarere
Drones and Tree planting Marewa
Drones and Tree planting Flaxmere
Communicating Manawatu Estuary
Communicating Robotics Napier
Communicating Robots Putaruru1
Communicating Robots Putaruru2
Communicating Robots Hamilton
Communicating Apiti
Communicating Tree planting Fielding
Communicating Tree planting Marewa
Communicating Tree planting Hastings
Communicating Tree planting Flaxmere
Communicating Tree planting Hukarere
Communicating Drones Palmy
Communicating Tree planting Frimley
Microplastics Waiotahe Beach
Communicating Microplastics Waiotahe
Microplastics Raglan beach
Communicating Microplastics Waiotahi (Copy)
Drones and Tree planting Whakatane
Drones and tree planting Rotorua
Communicating drones and tree planting rotorua
Drones and tree planting TWTOP
Communicating drones and tree planting TWTOP (Copy)
Robotics @Waikato
Communicating Robotics @Waikato
Drones and tree planting Mokoia
Communicating drones and tree planting Mokoia
Environmental Chem @waikato
Communicating Environmental Chem
Environ Chem with Papamoa (Copy)
Communicating Environ Chemistry Papamoa
Environ Chem with Te wharekura o Mauao
Communicating Environ Chem TWM
Drones and tree planting Waitara
Communicating drones and tree planting Waitara
Drones and Tree planting Opotiki
Communicating Tree planting Opotiki
Ohiwa harbouropotiki
Communicating Ohiwa harbour
Ohiwa harbour -WHS
Communicating Ōhiwa harbour (WHS
Ocean microplastics @Tauranga
Communicating Ocean microplastics @Tauranga
Drones and tree planting Napier
Communicating Napier centre
Hamilton wharekura Robotics
Communicating Hamilton wharekura Robotics
Robotics and Ngāruawāhia
Sustainable engineering 1
Communicating Sustainable engineering tarawe
Sustainable engineering 2
Communicating Sustainable engineering waiatara
2023 Workshops
Robotics at Fairfiled
Communicating Robotics and Fairfield
Renewable energyh @ VIC Uni
Communicating Renewable Energy V
Eco products @TPU Auckland
Communicating Eco-Auckland
Eco products @TPU Stratford
Communicating Eco-Stratford
Drones and rubbish identification
Communicating Drones and rubbish
Chem at Waikato23
Communicating Chem at Waikato23
Chem at Waikato23 TA
Communicating Chem at Waikato23 (Copy)
Flood water monitoring with Horizons
Communicating Flood water monitoring
Renewable energyh @ Taita
Communicating Renewable Energy @Taita
Renewable energyh @ Napier
Communicating Renewable Energy Napier
Renewable energyh @ Hastings
Communicating Renewable Energy @Hastings
Renewable energyh @ Kapiti
Communicating Renewable Energy @Kapiti
Renewable energyh @ Opotiki
Communicating renewable energy @ Opotiki
Renewable energyh @ Kawerau
Communicating Renewable energyh @ Kawerau
2024 Workshops
Chem and EnvironmentWaikato1
Communicating Environment Chem 1
Chem and EnvironmentWaikato2
Communicating Environment Chem 2
Robotics with WaikatoT
Communicating Robotics with WaikatoT
Robotics with Waikatotr
Communicating Robotics with Waikatotr
Robotics with WaikatoHBH
Communicating Robotics with WaikatoHBH
Microplastics @Waiotahebeach
Communicating Microplastics @Waiotahebeach
Microplastics @Napier
Communicating Microplastics @Napier
Renewable energyh @ Kawerau24
Communicating Renewable energKaw
Robotics @Fairfieldc
Robotics @Edgecumbe
Solar workshopRotorua
Communicating Renewable energyRo
Solar workshopFlaxmere
Communicating solar Flaxmere
Solar workshopTarawera
CommunicatingSolar workshopTarawera
Solar workshopHamilton
Communicationsolar power Hamilton
2025 Workshops
Climate changeHamilton
Communicating Climate changeHamilton )
Climate change Morrinsville
Communicating Climate changeMorrinsville
Robotics HamilitonB
Communicating Robotics Hamiltonb
Our Whanau Partnerships
About Us
Explore the Destination
Voyage of Discovery
2016 Workshops
Physics Workshops
River Workshops
River Workshops Oroua river
Raising Awareness
Student Animations
2017 Workshops
Mobile River App workshops
River Workshops Manawatu/Horowhenua
River Workshops Rotorua & Bay of plenty region
River Workshops Hawkesbay region
GPS engagement Rotorua region
Microbial Analysis- Raising Awareness
Microbial Analysis- Raising Awareness Part II
Microbial Analysis- Raising Awareness Part III
Robotics and Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity
Robotics and Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity in Kawerau
Robotics and Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity in Rotorua
Robotics and Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity in Manawatu and Horowhenua
Communicating Science- Digital Film making Workshops
Communicating Science -Digital Film making Workshops
Communicating Science-EIT Science Fair Hawkesbay
Communicating Science- Wellington and Kawerau workshops
Communicating Science- Manawatu animation workshops
Communicating Science -Kawerau community engagement
Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity in Hastings
2018 workshops
Mobile River App workshops
River Workshops Hutt river
Riparian planting -community initiative
Wetlands and rivers Manawatu
Estuary monitoring-Bay of Plenty
River Workshops Hawkesbay
Wetland monitoring Ohau
Greywater science and significance Whanganui
Greywater science and significance Rotorua
Protecting our Sand dunes
Young Environmental Animators
Environmental protection for Port Ohope, Ohiwa Harbour
Microbial Analysis- Raising Awareness
Microbial Analysis- Mussels Awareness
Chemistry and Analysis- Sparking Curiosity
Chemistry and Analysis- Sparking Curiosity
Empowering Girls in Robotics @ Waikato University
Empowering Girls in Robotics @Waikato University
Communicating science- Ohiwa Harbour
Communicating science -animations
Communicating science- Palmerston North library
Communicating science Roslyn
Communicating science- Horowhenua libraries
Communicating science- Kawerau
Communicating science- Whanganui
Communicating science- Wellington
Communicating science- Hawkesbay
2019 Workshops
Mobile Plastics App workshops
Communicating science- Hawkesbay region
Manawatu river science
River science Dannevirke area
River science Tutaekuri River
River science Waitara Region
Lake sediment analysis -Rotorua
Lake sediment analysis -Whanganui
Microplastic investigation Westshore napier
Microplastics Ohope beach and Ohiwa harbour
Microplastics beach analysis -Paraparamu beach
Microplastics Kapiti coast and Brown's bay
Microplastics Tauranga harbour and Omanu beach
Dune planting -Matata Bay of Plenty
Dune planting -Thornton beach, Bay of Plenty
Greywater Lower Hutt
Communicating science- animation@ Palmerston north city libraries
Communicating science- Te Pātikitiki Community Library Palmerston North
Communicating science-Rotorua library
Communicating science- Dannevirke library
Communicating science- Tauranga library
Communicating science- Lower Hutt
Communicating science- Palmerston North library
Communicating science- Kawerau library
Communicating science-Masterton
Communicating science-Horowhenua
Drones and Riparian planting -Dannevirke
Drones and STEM development: Mapping river catchment
Drones and school recycling @ Flaxmere Hastings
Coding and Gaming- Plastic pollution Tauranga
Coding and Gaming- Reduce plastics Kawerau
Coding and Gaming- River quality Hawkesbay
Games page
Renewable Energy workshop 1-Victoria University
Renewable Energy workshop 2-Victoria University
Renewable Energy workshop 3-Victoria University
2020 Workshops
Renewable Energy with Victoria University
Renewable Energy workshop Lower Hutt
Drones and plastic usage Manawatu (Copy)
Drones Mokoia
Drones and plastic usage Rotorua
Drones and plastic usage Hastings
Drones and plastic usage Hastings (Copy)
Augmented Reality with GNS
Augmented Reality with GNS 2
Ohiwa Harbour, the southern half of Ōhope
Ohiwa Harbour, Kayaking
Waiora river kayaking
Communicating science Waiora river
Communicating science- Naenaec
Communicating science- Horowhenuac
Communicating science- Rotoruai
Communicating science- Heretaungai
Communicating science- whakataneh
Communicating science- kawerau1
Communicating science- mokoia
Communicating science- monradAR
Communicating science- HeretaungaAR
Lake science Hamilton
Robotics @Taumauruni
Robotics @Hastings
Robotics @Whakatane
Robotics @Waikato3
Enviro Chemistry @Waikato
Enviro Chemistry @Waikato1
Natural Fibers sustainability engineering workshop
Augmented Reality with GNS 3
Communicating science- Hamilton
Communicating chemistry- Te Aroha
Communicating chemistry- Hamilton region
Communicating robotics- Hawkesbay
Communicating robotics- Hamilton
Communicating robotics- Whakatane
Communicating sustainability engineering
Communicating robotics- Taumauruni
Communicating Augmented RealityGNS3
2021 Workshops
Fielding Plastic challenge
Fielding Plastic challenge 1
Microplastic engagement Tauranga
Microplastic engagement Tauranga (2)
Eco products@ Teen unit
Eco products@ Teen unit 2
Eco products@Teen unit3
Drones flight -Manawatu
Drones flight -Feilding
Drones flight -Hastings
Drones flight -Mokoia
Drones flight -RotoruaI
Renewable energy @Te Herenga Waka1
Communicating Eco products
Communicating about Plastic Feilding
Communicating about Plastic Feilding2
Communicating Microplastic Tauranga
Communicating Drones -Mokoia
Communicating solar energy1
Communicating Drones -Rotoruai
Communicating Drones -Hastings3
Communicating Drones -Puriri
Rangatahi Covid 19 awareness
COVID-19 Awareness
Tainui Hamilton Ambassadors
Hamilton Ambassadors 1
Hamilton Ambassadors 3
Central King Country Ambassadors
Mt Maunganui Ambassadors
Flaxmere Ambassadors
Palmerston North Ambassadors
Napier Ambassadors
Horowhenua Ambassadors
Waitara Ambassadors
Whakatane Ambassadors
Tarawera Ambassadors
Opotiki Ambassadors
Kawerau Ambassadors
Rotorua Ambassadors1
Heretaunga Ambassadors
Putaruru Ambassadors
Tauranga Ambassadors 2
Fairfield Ambassadors
Additional Posters- worthy of Recognition
2022 Workshops
Robotics @Napier
Robotics @Putaruru1
Robotics @Putaruru2
Robotics @Hamilton
Estuary study@Foxton beach
River study Apiti and Awahuri
Drones and waste Palmy
Drones and Tree planting Fielding1
Drones and Tree planting Frimley
Drones and Tree planting Hastings
Drones and Tree planting Hukarere
Drones and Tree planting Marewa
Drones and Tree planting Flaxmere
Communicating Manawatu Estuary
Communicating Robotics Napier
Communicating Robots Putaruru1
Communicating Robots Putaruru2
Communicating Robots Hamilton
Communicating Apiti
Communicating Tree planting Fielding
Communicating Tree planting Marewa
Communicating Tree planting Hastings
Communicating Tree planting Flaxmere
Communicating Tree planting Hukarere
Communicating Drones Palmy
Communicating Tree planting Frimley
Microplastics Waiotahe Beach
Communicating Microplastics Waiotahe
Microplastics Raglan beach
Communicating Microplastics Waiotahi (Copy)
Drones and Tree planting Whakatane
Drones and tree planting Rotorua
Communicating drones and tree planting rotorua
Drones and tree planting TWTOP
Communicating drones and tree planting TWTOP (Copy)
Robotics @Waikato
Communicating Robotics @Waikato
Drones and tree planting Mokoia
Communicating drones and tree planting Mokoia
Environmental Chem @waikato
Communicating Environmental Chem
Environ Chem with Papamoa (Copy)
Communicating Environ Chemistry Papamoa
Environ Chem with Te wharekura o Mauao
Communicating Environ Chem TWM
Drones and tree planting Waitara
Communicating drones and tree planting Waitara
Drones and Tree planting Opotiki
Communicating Tree planting Opotiki
Ohiwa harbouropotiki
Communicating Ohiwa harbour
Ohiwa harbour -WHS
Communicating Ōhiwa harbour (WHS
Ocean microplastics @Tauranga
Communicating Ocean microplastics @Tauranga
Drones and tree planting Napier
Communicating Napier centre
Hamilton wharekura Robotics
Communicating Hamilton wharekura Robotics
Robotics and Ngāruawāhia
Sustainable engineering 1
Communicating Sustainable engineering tarawe
Sustainable engineering 2
Communicating Sustainable engineering waiatara
2023 Workshops
Robotics at Fairfiled
Communicating Robotics and Fairfield
Renewable energyh @ VIC Uni
Communicating Renewable Energy V
Eco products @TPU Auckland
Communicating Eco-Auckland
Eco products @TPU Stratford
Communicating Eco-Stratford
Drones and rubbish identification
Communicating Drones and rubbish
Chem at Waikato23
Communicating Chem at Waikato23
Chem at Waikato23 TA
Communicating Chem at Waikato23 (Copy)
Flood water monitoring with Horizons
Communicating Flood water monitoring
Renewable energyh @ Taita
Communicating Renewable Energy @Taita
Renewable energyh @ Napier
Communicating Renewable Energy Napier
Renewable energyh @ Hastings
Communicating Renewable Energy @Hastings
Renewable energyh @ Kapiti
Communicating Renewable Energy @Kapiti
Renewable energyh @ Opotiki
Communicating renewable energy @ Opotiki
Renewable energyh @ Kawerau
Communicating Renewable energyh @ Kawerau
2024 Workshops
Chem and EnvironmentWaikato1
Communicating Environment Chem 1
Chem and EnvironmentWaikato2
Communicating Environment Chem 2
Robotics with WaikatoT
Communicating Robotics with WaikatoT
Robotics with Waikatotr
Communicating Robotics with Waikatotr
Robotics with WaikatoHBH
Communicating Robotics with WaikatoHBH
Microplastics @Waiotahebeach
Communicating Microplastics @Waiotahebeach
Microplastics @Napier
Communicating Microplastics @Napier
Renewable energyh @ Kawerau24
Communicating Renewable energKaw
Robotics @Fairfieldc
Robotics @Edgecumbe
Solar workshopRotorua
Communicating Renewable energyRo
Solar workshopFlaxmere
Communicating solar Flaxmere
Solar workshopTarawera
CommunicatingSolar workshopTarawera
Solar workshopHamilton
Communicationsolar power Hamilton
2025 Workshops
Climate changeHamilton
Communicating Climate changeHamilton )
Climate change Morrinsville
Communicating Climate changeMorrinsville
Robotics HamilitonB
Communicating Robotics Hamiltonb
Our Whanau Partnerships
CommunicatingSolar workshopTarawera
About Us
Explore the Destination
Voyage of Discovery
2016 Workshops
Physics Workshops
River Workshops
River Workshops Oroua river
Raising Awareness
Student Animations
2017 Workshops
Mobile River App workshops
River Workshops Manawatu/Horowhenua
River Workshops Rotorua & Bay of plenty region
River Workshops Hawkesbay region
GPS engagement Rotorua region
Microbial Analysis- Raising Awareness
Microbial Analysis- Raising Awareness Part II
Microbial Analysis- Raising Awareness Part III
Robotics and Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity
Robotics and Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity in Kawerau
Robotics and Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity in Rotorua
Robotics and Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity in Manawatu and Horowhenua
Communicating Science- Digital Film making Workshops
Communicating Science -Digital Film making Workshops
Communicating Science-EIT Science Fair Hawkesbay
Communicating Science- Wellington and Kawerau workshops
Communicating Science- Manawatu animation workshops
Communicating Science -Kawerau community engagement
Sensor Upskilling- Growing Engineering capacity in Hastings
2018 workshops
Mobile River App workshops
River Workshops Hutt river
Riparian planting -community initiative
Wetlands and rivers Manawatu
Estuary monitoring-Bay of Plenty
River Workshops Hawkesbay
Wetland monitoring Ohau
Greywater science and significance Whanganui
Greywater science and significance Rotorua
Protecting our Sand dunes
Young Environmental Animators
Environmental protection for Port Ohope, Ohiwa Harbour
Microbial Analysis- Raising Awareness
Microbial Analysis- Mussels Awareness
Chemistry and Analysis- Sparking Curiosity
Chemistry and Analysis- Sparking Curiosity
Empowering Girls in Robotics @ Waikato University
Empowering Girls in Robotics @Waikato University
Communicating science- Ohiwa Harbour
Communicating science -animations
Communicating science- Palmerston North library
Communicating science Roslyn
Communicating science- Horowhenua libraries
Communicating science- Kawerau
Communicating science- Whanganui
Communicating science- Wellington
Communicating science- Hawkesbay
2019 Workshops
Mobile Plastics App workshops
Communicating science- Hawkesbay region
Manawatu river science
River science Dannevirke area
River science Tutaekuri River
River science Waitara Region
Lake sediment analysis -Rotorua
Lake sediment analysis -Whanganui
Microplastic investigation Westshore napier
Microplastics Ohope beach and Ohiwa harbour
Microplastics beach analysis -Paraparamu beach
Microplastics Kapiti coast and Brown's bay
Microplastics Tauranga harbour and Omanu beach
Dune planting -Matata Bay of Plenty
Dune planting -Thornton beach, Bay of Plenty
Greywater Lower Hutt
Communicating science- animation@ Palmerston north city libraries
Communicating science- Te Pātikitiki Community Library Palmerston North
Communicating science-Rotorua library
Communicating science- Dannevirke library
Communicating science- Tauranga library
Communicating science- Lower Hutt
Communicating science- Palmerston North library
Communicating science- Kawerau library
Communicating science-Masterton
Communicating science-Horowhenua
Drones and Riparian planting -Dannevirke
Drones and STEM development: Mapping river catchment
Drones and school recycling @ Flaxmere Hastings
Coding and Gaming- Plastic pollution Tauranga
Coding and Gaming- Reduce plastics Kawerau
Coding and Gaming- River quality Hawkesbay
Games page
Renewable Energy workshop 1-Victoria University
Renewable Energy workshop 2-Victoria University
Renewable Energy workshop 3-Victoria University
2020 Workshops
Renewable Energy with Victoria University
Renewable Energy workshop Lower Hutt
Drones and plastic usage Manawatu (Copy)
Drones Mokoia
Drones and plastic usage Rotorua
Drones and plastic usage Hastings
Drones and plastic usage Hastings (Copy)
Augmented Reality with GNS
Augmented Reality with GNS 2
Ohiwa Harbour, the southern half of Ōhope
Ohiwa Harbour, Kayaking
Waiora river kayaking
Communicating science Waiora river
Communicating science- Naenaec
Communicating science- Horowhenuac
Communicating science- Rotoruai
Communicating science- Heretaungai
Communicating science- whakataneh
Communicating science- kawerau1
Communicating science- mokoia
Communicating science- monradAR
Communicating science- HeretaungaAR
Lake science Hamilton
Robotics @Taumauruni
Robotics @Hastings
Robotics @Whakatane
Robotics @Waikato3
Enviro Chemistry @Waikato
Enviro Chemistry @Waikato1
Natural Fibers sustainability engineering workshop
Augmented Reality with GNS 3
Communicating science- Hamilton
Communicating chemistry- Te Aroha
Communicating chemistry- Hamilton region
Communicating robotics- Hawkesbay
Communicating robotics- Hamilton
Communicating robotics- Whakatane
Communicating sustainability engineering
Communicating robotics- Taumauruni
Communicating Augmented RealityGNS3
2021 Workshops
Fielding Plastic challenge
Fielding Plastic challenge 1
Microplastic engagement Tauranga
Microplastic engagement Tauranga (2)
Eco products@ Teen unit
Eco products@ Teen unit 2
Eco products@Teen unit3
Drones flight -Manawatu
Drones flight -Feilding
Drones flight -Hastings
Drones flight -Mokoia
Drones flight -RotoruaI
Renewable energy @Te Herenga Waka1
Communicating Eco products
Communicating about Plastic Feilding
Communicating about Plastic Feilding2
Communicating Microplastic Tauranga
Communicating Drones -Mokoia
Communicating solar energy1
Communicating Drones -Rotoruai
Communicating Drones -Hastings3
Communicating Drones -Puriri
Rangatahi Covid 19 awareness
COVID-19 Awareness
Tainui Hamilton Ambassadors
Hamilton Ambassadors 1
Hamilton Ambassadors 3
Central King Country Ambassadors
Mt Maunganui Ambassadors
Flaxmere Ambassadors
Palmerston North Ambassadors
Napier Ambassadors
Horowhenua Ambassadors
Waitara Ambassadors
Whakatane Ambassadors
Tarawera Ambassadors
Opotiki Ambassadors
Kawerau Ambassadors
Rotorua Ambassadors1
Heretaunga Ambassadors
Putaruru Ambassadors
Tauranga Ambassadors 2
Fairfield Ambassadors
Additional Posters- worthy of Recognition
2022 Workshops
Robotics @Napier
Robotics @Putaruru1
Robotics @Putaruru2
Robotics @Hamilton
Estuary study@Foxton beach
River study Apiti and Awahuri
Drones and waste Palmy
Drones and Tree planting Fielding1
Drones and Tree planting Frimley
Drones and Tree planting Hastings
Drones and Tree planting Hukarere
Drones and Tree planting Marewa
Drones and Tree planting Flaxmere
Communicating Manawatu Estuary
Communicating Robotics Napier
Communicating Robots Putaruru1
Communicating Robots Putaruru2
Communicating Robots Hamilton
Communicating Apiti
Communicating Tree planting Fielding
Communicating Tree planting Marewa
Communicating Tree planting Hastings
Communicating Tree planting Flaxmere
Communicating Tree planting Hukarere
Communicating Drones Palmy
Communicating Tree planting Frimley
Microplastics Waiotahe Beach
Communicating Microplastics Waiotahe
Microplastics Raglan beach
Communicating Microplastics Waiotahi (Copy)
Drones and Tree planting Whakatane
Drones and tree planting Rotorua
Communicating drones and tree planting rotorua
Drones and tree planting TWTOP
Communicating drones and tree planting TWTOP (Copy)
Robotics @Waikato
Communicating Robotics @Waikato
Drones and tree planting Mokoia
Communicating drones and tree planting Mokoia
Environmental Chem @waikato
Communicating Environmental Chem
Environ Chem with Papamoa (Copy)
Communicating Environ Chemistry Papamoa
Environ Chem with Te wharekura o Mauao
Communicating Environ Chem TWM
Drones and tree planting Waitara
Communicating drones and tree planting Waitara
Drones and Tree planting Opotiki
Communicating Tree planting Opotiki
Ohiwa harbouropotiki
Communicating Ohiwa harbour
Ohiwa harbour -WHS
Communicating Ōhiwa harbour (WHS
Ocean microplastics @Tauranga
Communicating Ocean microplastics @Tauranga
Drones and tree planting Napier
Communicating Napier centre
Hamilton wharekura Robotics
Communicating Hamilton wharekura Robotics
Robotics and Ngāruawāhia
Sustainable engineering 1
Communicating Sustainable engineering tarawe
Sustainable engineering 2
Communicating Sustainable engineering waiatara
2023 Workshops
Robotics at Fairfiled
Communicating Robotics and Fairfield
Renewable energyh @ VIC Uni
Communicating Renewable Energy V
Eco products @TPU Auckland
Communicating Eco-Auckland
Eco products @TPU Stratford
Communicating Eco-Stratford
Drones and rubbish identification
Communicating Drones and rubbish
Chem at Waikato23
Communicating Chem at Waikato23
Chem at Waikato23 TA
Communicating Chem at Waikato23 (Copy)
Flood water monitoring with Horizons
Communicating Flood water monitoring
Renewable energyh @ Taita
Communicating Renewable Energy @Taita
Renewable energyh @ Napier
Communicating Renewable Energy Napier
Renewable energyh @ Hastings
Communicating Renewable Energy @Hastings
Renewable energyh @ Kapiti
Communicating Renewable Energy @Kapiti
Renewable energyh @ Opotiki
Communicating renewable energy @ Opotiki
Renewable energyh @ Kawerau
Communicating Renewable energyh @ Kawerau
2024 Workshops
Chem and EnvironmentWaikato1
Communicating Environment Chem 1
Chem and EnvironmentWaikato2
Communicating Environment Chem 2
Robotics with WaikatoT
Communicating Robotics with WaikatoT
Robotics with Waikatotr
Communicating Robotics with Waikatotr
Robotics with WaikatoHBH
Communicating Robotics with WaikatoHBH
Microplastics @Waiotahebeach
Communicating Microplastics @Waiotahebeach
Microplastics @Napier
Communicating Microplastics @Napier
Renewable energyh @ Kawerau24
Communicating Renewable energKaw
Robotics @Fairfieldc
Robotics @Edgecumbe
Solar workshopRotorua
Communicating Renewable energyRo
Solar workshopFlaxmere
Communicating solar Flaxmere
Solar workshopTarawera
CommunicatingSolar workshopTarawera
Solar workshopHamilton
Communicationsolar power Hamilton
2025 Workshops
Climate changeHamilton
Communicating Climate changeHamilton )
Climate change Morrinsville
Communicating Climate changeMorrinsville
Robotics HamilitonB
Communicating Robotics Hamiltonb
Our Whanau Partnerships
Communicating Solar Tarawera